I am a first-year PhD student in School of Mathematical Sciences, BICMR at Peking University, advised by Profs. Ming Jiang and Tingting Jiang. I’m now a member of the VIE group at NELVT of Peking University. Before coming to Peking University in 2018, I studied at Xiamen University.


  • PhD Candidate in Applied Mathematics (09/2018 - present)
    School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University
  • Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (09/2014 - 07/2018)
    School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University


My main interest lies in adversarial attack, including:

  • Attack method
  • Defense method


  • Yan Liu,Yujia Liu, and Haiying Zhang. "The Infrared small targets detection based on improved sparse coding", ICCIS, 2017, accepted.


  • Email: Yujia_liu AT pku DOT edu DOT cn